Month: March 2020

Dear Village Neighborhood friends and neighbors,

By now, you have all settled in to our new normal of social distancing, curfews, video conferences and business closures. I wanted to reach out and let you know that the VNA is here to support you and help connect you to the resources you need in this wonderful city we call home. If you have specific needs and would like our help, please email us at [email protected].

People and organizations are banding together to provide food and supplies for the medical professionals on the front line. What I have been seeing locally is truly inspiring. I encourage you all to stay informed, not afraid, and allow yourself to think about something other than COVID-19 from time to time.

Councilperson Solomon and Mayor Fulop have daily messages that disseminate the facts as we know them. Conjecture and misinformation can be extremely dangerous during a crisis like this. If you’re ever in doubt, check the CDC and WHO websites and their guidelines for navigating this pandemic.

I find myself struggling on some days to be positive and stoic for my family. On other days I truly feel like the pillar they need me to be. And occasionally, I just want to scream or cry – or both. It’s no picnic trying to homeschool our children whilst we try to remain productive at our own jobs, but we will endure as a community. We are all in the same boat. Remember when Sandy hit and we thought THAT was bad?

I constantly remind myself that our parents’ and grandparents’ generations were at war! We are embroiled in a very different kind of war – one that is happening on our home soil – and we will come out of this stronger, as long as we remain positive and support each other. It takes you. It takes me. It takes a village. It takes The Village!

Best wishes to you and your family, our friends and neighbors in greater JC, and everywhere across the US and the world. Stay safe, look out for each other, and for a while longer, stay distanced!

Eric Hofmann


Village Neighborhood Association




Event Details

Free Movie Screening

Children, Family Event for All Ages

Presented by The Jersey City Parks Coalition in partnership with Cafeteria Culture, the Department of Recreation and the JC Office of Sustainability

Please join us on Tuesday, March 10th from 6 PM – 8 PM at M.S. 7 – Franklin L. Williams Middle School

About the Movie

Join us for a free screening of Microplastic Madness, a documentary from Cafeteria Culture. Microplastic Madness is the story of 56 fifth graders from P.S.15 in Red Hook, Brooklyn – living on the frontline of the climate crisis – whose action on plastic pollution morphs into extraordinary leadership and scalable victories. With stop-motion animation, expert interviews, and heartfelt kid commentary, their inspiring narrative conveys an urgent, accessible message of informed action and hope. The film has been accepted to 14 film festivals, received 2 awards, and screened in 5 countries.

Movie trailer:

About The Jersey City Parks Coalition:
About The Office of Sustainability:
About the Department of Recreation:
About M.S. 7 – Franklin L. Williams Middle School – 222 Laidlaw Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306: