Category: Events

When: Sunday, June 9, 4PM

Where: Grace Church Van Vorst, 39 Erie St, Jersey City, NJ, 07302

What: North River Sing, Jersey City’s community chorus, invites you to its
Spring Swingin’ Concert, featuring jazz and Broadway favorites. The
concert is June 9, 4 p.m., Grace Church Van Vorst, 39 Erie Street.
Admission is free, though donations are welcome. More info at

Join the VVPA for their 4th Annual Golf Outing and Happy Hour — and “Go Clubbing” with your neighbors and friends! Golfers—Play a fun and challenging 9 hole round with your neighbors for lots of prizes and laughs! If Happy Hour and dancing is more your speed, with a little putt putt contest thrown in–you’re in luck–because they have that as well! Watch the sunset all together as we enjoy a yummy BBQ dinner.

Games, Food, Beverages & Gifts for EVERYONE!

4:00pm – Golfer registration

5:00pm – Shotgun start

5:30pm – HAPPY HOUR and PUTT PUTT Fun for the non-golfers begins!

7:00pm – Dinner & Drinks for ALL!

Details and Tickets: VVPA Golf Outing

What is #HudsonGives?

HudsonGives is a 24-hour, online giving day just for Hudson County! We can make a larger impact when we give together in support and celebration of the nonprofits that make Hudson County a great place to live, work and play! Join us and let’s make it happen for our community!

For more details head over to

Join us this Saturday morning, May 4 from 9am to 12pm to prepare the Village Park for another amazing summer!

Where is it?

384-388 First Street.

What needs to be done?

We need your help with pruning, removal of invasive species, a couple of dead bushes and general cleaning to allow for new growth.

Do I need any special skills?

No skills required!

What should I bring?

If you have gloves, please bring them but they aren’t required. We will provide tools, gloves, and garden trash bags. Bring the kids so they can join in, or just enjoy the park and learn about its fantastic design!

The 4th Annual Great Jersey City Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 13th from 10 AM – 2 PM.

This event mobilizes thousands of residents alongside neighborhood and civic organizations, schools, community leaders, businesses, and elected officials. 

Together we can roll up our sleeves and contribute to making our city an even better place to work and live.

This year, the Ward E event hub will be located at the Hamilton Park gazebo. Individuals and groups can register using the link below.

A waiver form must also be completed for each volunteer (link below).

When: Saturday, April 27th, 2019

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM


  • Pershing Field Park
  • Arlington Park
  • Bayside Park
  • Gateway Park
  • Historic JC & Harsimus Cemetery
  • Lincoln Park
  • Mary Benson Park
  • Riverview Park
  • Washington Park
  • Triangle Park (family activities only)

Celebrating Arbor Day – A Citywide Tree Planting Event – Tree Planting Ceremony @ 11 AM

Join the Tree Lovers Crew for Family DIY Activities: Flower seed balls & Soda Bottle Bird-feeders*
* Bring your recycled Clean & Empty Soda bottles

7:30 PM – 8:45 PM
Casa Colombo
380 Monmouth Street