Virtual Village Community Meeting Splash Screen
Posted on January 28, 2021 in Events, News
Did you miss attending our December meeting? You can watch it below! All of our virtual meetings are in a YouTube playlist here. Please also subscribe to the Village Neighborhood Association channel on YouTube to be notified when new videos are posted!
Our guest this evening is Melissa Kozakiewicz, the Director of the Office of Innovation in Jersey City. Learn more about the Office of Innovation and the role it plays here in Jersey City, including the creation and management of our very own Covid-19 data dashboard!
- Covid-19 updates
- Recap of 2020 in the Village – highlights and lowlights
- Guest: Melissa Kozakiewicz, Director of the Office of Innovation
- Developer presentation: 454 Second Street
- Open forum
If you have news, or questions, or just want to share your experiences during the pandemic, please don’t hesitate to write to the VNA Board at [email protected] and we may include your news or answer your questions in upcoming newsletters.
VNA Board – [email protected]
Mark your calendar for the next VNA meetings! All meetings start at 7:30pm and will be via Zoom for the foreseeable future. Meeting details will be sent via our newsletter, Facebook, and Instagram. Sign up for our newsletter at https://jcvillage.org/.
- Monday, January 11th, 2021
- Monday, February 8th, 2021
- Monday, March 8th, 2021

Posted on December 9, 2020 in News
Monday, November 9, at 7:30pm
Did you miss attending our November meeting? You can watch it below! All of our virtual meetings are in a YouTube playlist here. Please also subscribe to the Village Neighborhood Association channel on YouTube to be notified when new videos are posted!
There’s news on the development front – including a conclusion to our legal appeal of the Brunswick Lofts, as well as several DCNA and city-wide news items to discuss.
Our guest this evening is newly elected Hudson County Commissioner Yraida Aponte-Lipski.
We’ll look ahead to 2021 and VNA Board elections – if you are interested in joining the VNA Board, please let us know, either at the meeting or by contacting us at [email protected].
- Covid-19 updates
- Toy drive
- Master Plan Surveys
If you have news, or questions, or just want to share your experiences during the pandemic, please don’t hesitate to write to the VNA Board at [email protected] and we may include your news or answer your questions in upcoming newsletters.
VNA Board – [email protected]
Mark your calendar for the next VNA meetings! All meetings start at 7:30pm and will be via Zoom for the foreseeable future. Meeting details will be sent via our newsletter, Facebook, and Instagram. Sign up for our newsletter at https://jcvillage.org/.
- Monday, December 14, 2020
- Monday, February 8th, 2021
- Monday, March 8th, 2021

Posted on December 7, 2020 in Events, News
Hello Village residents!
2020 has been a challenging year and tomorrow night, we would like to help brighten your spirits with the holiday gift that is the newest proposal for 454 Second Street!
After years of outside interests, dueling proposals, 5-story buildings with roof decks and a promise of an unspecified stormwater management project, with monies being funneled to City agencies – we finally have an as-of-right proposal for 4-stories, green roofs and 1 to 1 parking.
The proposed development will be presented to the Planning Board on Tuesday, December 8th – which is why we have scheduled this special meeting for Monday, December 7th.
Meeting info:
Click here to join Zoom Meeting
Monday, December 7, 2020, 7:00-7:45PM
Meeting ID: 936 9417 7275
Password: 454vna
If you received a certified letter and have been concerned about this project, or are simply interested in the last project in the Merseles RDP – join us tomorrow night for a presentation and discussion about the facts of this new building.
We hope to see you there and hope you are all staying safe!
Eric Hofmann
VNA President – [email protected]
Note: this special meeting does not replace the regularly scheduled December VNA Community Meeting – which will be next week, Monday, December 14, 2020 at 7:30pm.

bulb planting
Posted on November 15, 2020 in Events, News
Come help beautify your neighborhood as part of the Big Dig 2020!
Join The Friends of Mary Benson Park this Saturday, November 21st from 10am-1pm to help plant bulbs for the Spring.
All ages welcome. Bring your own shovels or trowels — and, as always, #MaskUpJC!
Questions? Email [email protected].

Posted on October 12, 2020 in Events, News
October 12 at 7:30pm
Did you miss attending our October meeting? You can watch it below! All of our virtual meetings are in a YouTube playlist here. Please also subscribe to the Village Neighborhood Association channel on YouTube to be notified when new videos are posted!
Jersey City’s Chief Prosecutor Jake Hudnut will be our guest at our October meeting – he’ll discuss the new expansion of the Quality of Life Task Force.
We’ll also have developer presentations on three buildings, all in the area of the Newark/Brunswick/4th St intersection. We’ll hear about 160-166 Brunswick, as well as 306 and 325 Newark (the lot currently occupied by Binny’s Liquor and the lot where the Delta station used to be – see building renderings below).
Mark your calendar for the next VNA meetings!
- Monday, November 9, 2020, 7:30pm
- Monday, December 14, 2020, 7:30pm

Posted on August 19, 2020 in News
After multiple requests to the city, we were provided a list of current and future flood mitigation projects that the Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA) is working on or has planned. For context, here is the reply from Mayor Steven Fulop:
“I asked the MUA for a list of the flood mitigation projects we are working on citywide and I thought it would be helpful to share with you. I know this infrastructure was neglected for decades by previous administrations in the city so our administration has invested a considerable amount of money to catch up and improve the system – but the challenge is that none of them are overnight fixes. You can see though that we do have some depth and breadth on the projects we are tackling and we do think they should make a big difference for residents.” – Mayor Steven Fulop, via email on July 30th, 2020
The mayor’s office and MUA will also be reviewing recently flooded areas to see if any other projects should be considered and added to the list.

walk bye CFA
Posted on August 19, 2020 in Events, News
This challenge is designed as a way to embrace the healing power of nature and encourage the collaborative aspect of Walk_Bye. Nature Walk is the theme, and an international open call to celebrate nature in and around urban areas focused on the collaborative aspect of people around the globe connecting to and documenting nature in whatever way they feel inspired.
Walk_Bye™, the Jersey City Parks Coalition (JCPC), and the Office of Cultural Affairs invite you to make a collage, a drawing, a sculpture, a cut paper piece, a maquette, or a photograph: any media at all. The completed entry form below should be sent to us by September 4, 2020. Shortlisted entries will be printed on large vinyl posters and hung at parks in all six wards of Jersey City. No fee to enter.
The Open Call is to participate in Walk_Bye™ at the Jersey City Arts and Studio Tour (JCAST). This year it will take place from October 1st through the 4th (read the wrap-up from last year’s event). The aim is to bring artists together from around the world to interpret nature. Approved submissions will be printed on large (approximately 2 x 3 foot) vinyl posters, and hung in one of the 28 parks part of the Jersey City Parks Coalition.
Submission counts as permission to reproduce for usage by Walk_Bye and its partners. Posters will be auctioned off at $100 per poster to raise funds for the Jersey City Parks Coalition at some point after JCAST ends. Artists retain ownership of intellectual property.
Please email [email protected] with any queries.
Please help us promote our event with your park groups and social media.
JCAST 2020: Nature @Walk_Bye Event
Facebook links to share:
Founded in 2005, the Jersey City Parks Coalition is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that assists in the development and maintenance of Jersey City’s parks and public spaces. The mission of the Jersey City Parks Coalition is to empower residents to develop, renovate, use and maintain their community parks and public spaces of Jersey City; thereby revitalizing neighborhoods and lifting communal and human spirits.

Posted on August 19, 2020 in Events, News
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the annual Jersey City Art & Studio Tour with 4 days full of art!
This year we bring the art to you!
Experience gallery exhibitions, talks, demonstrations and performances from the comfort of your own home.
Check back for more updates on exciting programs we’ve got planned for JCAST’s big anniversary year.
Sign up for the JCAST newsletter for news, tour updates, curated tour info and so much more on the JCAST website!
Get social with JCAST
The Jersey City Art and Studio Tour (JCAST) was developed from an event rooted in artists’ studios, retailers and other downtown spaces, including the historic 111 First Street art collective, into the City’s premier cultural event. For nearly three decades, the tour has attracted thousands of art aficionados from New York, New Jersey and beyond to tour hundreds of art and performance spaces.

vna logo-01
Posted on August 16, 2020 in News
Did you miss our meeting this month? You can watch it anytime on YouTube (below). Please also “subscribe” to the VNA YouTube channel to be notified as soon as new videos are available!
Village Neighborhood Association Community Meeting – Monday, August 10th, at 7:30pm via Zoom.
- COVID-19 Updates
- Census 2020
- JC Master Plan Vision
- JCMUA Flood Mitigation Projects
- Development Case Study: 98 Colgate
- Virtual Meeting Updates
- Open Forum

Kindness Rocks in Village Park
Posted on July 22, 2020 in News
Megan Murphy thinks kindness rocks! She is the creator of the national movement, The Kindness Rocks Project™, which encourages people to leave rocks painted with inspiring messages along the path of life.
Inspired by this trailblazer, several Village resident heroes have created their own collection of kindness rocks and they are located in Village Park! Decorated with an array of colors and beautiful phrases including “Hope is the future of our world” and “Throw kindness like confetti,” the hope here is that one of these rocks will inspire and encourage you.
The words on the sign are meant to be taken literally. “Be kind. Take what you need. Share with one another.” I think now, more than ever, we need a spirit of sharing, selflessness, and community.
So come visit Village Park, check out these rocks, and engage your inner petrologist (that’s not the study of petrol)! Park hours are 8am – 8pm daily (2pm – 8pm when school is in session). Village Park is located at 384-388 1st St.

To learn more about Megan Murphy and see just how much impact she’s made, look up #TheKindnessRocksProject. Learn more about how to join the movement on the Kindness Rocks™ website.