Councilman Fulop’s Open letter to the Residents of Jersey City

Councilman Steven Fulop

Ward E Councilman Steven Fulop


Yesterday was truly a low point for Jersey City. Seven high-ranking members of the Mayor Healy’s administration, including City Council President Mariano Vega and Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini, were arrested by Federal agents and charged with public corruption. These arrests were made as part of an even larger investigation, and more charges may be filed as it develops.

This is a sad day for Jersey City. We should have pride in our city, not be embarrassed by the conduct of our city’s leadership. Just this morning, a major news channels started their broadcast by describing that they were reporting from Jersey City as “the epicenter of corruption.”

While the individuals named in today’s indictments deserve their day in court, the sheer scale and widespread nature of these allegations is nothing short of outrageous. The conduct alleged describes not just the conduct of a few individuals, but a pervasive culture of corruption that infects our political system at every level.

This system must change.

As the only elected official in Jersey City who has never run as part of the old-guard political machine, I can tell you first hand that this culture of corruption serves as a back door tax on all citizens. It has become a part of the well-known cost of doing business in our city, draining our pocketbooks and degrading our quality of life.

Ultimately, it is not enough to remove corrupt individuals from public service. We must remove the financial incentives within our system that enable this type of conduct to persist. That is why I sponsored legislation in 2007 aimed at ending such obviously ethically-challenged practices as pay to play and double-dipping. Today’s events show all too clearly why I was the only member of the city council who voted in favor of such reforms.

While today is a black eye for the city, I am hopeful that the actions of the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office will serve as a first step in what will undoubtedly be a long road toward honest and open government.

I will continue to speak up against corruption and unfair practices, even when mine is the only voice within the city government willing to do so. In that regard, I am troubled that Mayor Healy has stopped at merely suspending the individuals involved. A cloud of suspicion will hang over every vote and decision these individuals make, and there are too many pressing issues our city must address. We cannot continually question the motivation behind each of their decisions.

I am therefore publicly calling upon the councilman and deputy mayor who were indicted yesterday to resign their appointed and elected positions immediately. My stance was published in this article in yesterday’s Jersey Journal , which I encourage you to read. Furthermore, I will be introducing a resolution to the city council at our next meeting, Wednesday, July 29 that formally requests that Mayor Healy amend his executive order regarding the closed – door abatement negotiation committee to which Healy appointed Mariano Vega as chairperson.

In addition, I believe it is crucial that a formal review of Council activities be performed to see what city business may have been impacted by public corruption. Individuals and businesses that engage in bribery should not be allowed to benefit at everyone else’s expense. We must send a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated in Jersey City.

I assure you that the arrogance and selfishness of a few will not be allowed to ruin the good works and progress of our city. On that you have my word.


Councilman Steven Fulop

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