UPDATE: For all the latest pipeline news, please visit NOGASPIPELINE.ORG
I’m sure many of you reading this are well aware of the proposed construction of a huge 30″ gas pipeline to be run through Jersey City to service New York City by Spectra Energy, a Texas-based company. Over the course of the year, many Jersey City residents have been unsure of the exact route the line will take through our city. As you can see from the photo above, the gas pipeline runs right next to the western border of The Village.
Now look at this photo…

The devastation in this photo was caused when a similar gas line exploded in Virginia in 2008. The cause of the explosion was determined to be corrosion.
What can you do?
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will be holding a public meeting at Ferris High School to hear from you.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ferris High School
35 Colgate Street
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Attend this meeting! Voice your opposition!
Spectra Energy will make their presentation at 6:00 PM,
public comments will be from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
The following is Councilman Steven Fulop’s email alert from last week which includes a very good sample letter you can send if you are unable to attend. See below for detailed information.
Dear residents,
Houston, Texas-based Spectra Energy wants to build a major natural gas pipeline expansion to New York City that will run through the heart of Jersey City. Jersey City will bear tremendous risks with no reward, all for the benefit of New York City and Spectra.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, August 4th, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Ferris High School, 35 Colgate Street. We need your presence to stop this pipeline or your written objection for the record by Aug. 4th. This will likely be the only public meeting to make your objections known.
IF you cannot make the meeting WE NEED YOU TO SEND A LETTER!!! We need to show that the community is against this.
1) Follow the instructions below to send an eComment
2) Send a letter
Your letter must be sent by Aug 4th and ask to be part of “JC scoping transcript for Aug 4th mtg.”
Include the docket number, PF10-17-000 on your original and two copies. Address one copy of your letter to the attention of Gas Branch 3 DG2E.
Send all 3 letters to:
Kimberly D. Bose Secretary
888 First St. NE
Room 1A
Washington, DC 20426
Sample Letter:
“I object to the proposed Spectra Natural Gas Pipeline in Jersey City as it is to be built through some of Jersey City’s most densely populated and historic neighborhoods. An explosion here would likely be far more deadly than elsewhere in the state. Carcinogenic toxins released into the air from the metering station and block valves become air-borne endangering the health of all residents throughout Jersey City.
*The planned expansion will pass through or nearby a number of heavy industrial and chemical plants and in close proximity to Homeland Security Department designated Tier 1 & Tier 2 Critical Infrastructure. An explosion near any of these facilities could be catastrophic. Thecity’s economic engine – Wall Street back offices along the waterfront and major infrastructure such as the Holland Tunnel and the NJ Turnpike Extension could be severely affected by an incident.
*According to the Wall Street Journal, there were 47 pipeline incidents in the U.S. in 2009 that caused death or serious injury. In just three incidents alone this year, 10 people have been killed and 33 seriously injured.”
Sign your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number to this letter
For more information and to stay up to date, please consider joining theJersey City NO Gas Pipelines online discussion group at http://groups.google.com/group/jerseycitygas
Councilman Steven Fulop and staff
Detailed instructions on how to leave your eComment on the FERC website:
Go to:
Click on the “eComment” button
1. The system returns an “Authorize eComment:” screen. Key in your
o Name,
o Email address, and
o Phone Number (optional) in the labeled fields.
2. Key in the characters in the picture in the field below the picture. If you have difficulty reading the characters, click on the speaker icon next to the picture to hear the code (be sure the volume on your PC is high enough). After keying in the characters, click on Submit.
3. You will see the message: “Thank you for your interest in submitting eComments to FERC. You will receive an email with detailed instructions on how you can submit your eComment.” The email is sent to the email address you entered on the first screen.
4. Check your email account for a “Confirmation of eComment” email. Click on the link in the email to display the “Submit eComment” screen.
5. You can query and select the docket or project number(s) applicable to your comment (click on Search) or you can use the Quick Entry method.
For Quick Entry, key in the docket or project number in the box for the docket number (PF10-17). Use the Search option if you are unsure about the format. You may add additional docket or project numbers provided your comments pertain to them.
6. Key or Copy/Paste your text comments in the large text box. There is a counter below the box to tell you how much space you have left for comments. If you entered a name at the beginning of the process for an Association or organization, you must include the name of an individual responsible for the filing and contact information in the text box.
7. Click on Submit Comment.
8. You will receive a Confirmation of Receipt email. Your comments will be added to the record in eLibrary in the docket or project number(s) you selected at the beginning of the process.
Additional Information:
August 4, 2010 Meeting Notification from the City website
Jersey City Independent article
Mayor Healy Letter
Maps of the proposed pipeline
JCList Forum Thread