New Art School Opens in The Village
Posted on December 1, 2009 in Past News
There aren’t many things cooler than a new art school opening in Jersey City. With the exception of one opening up right here in The Village! If you had ever considered dusting off some of those art skills from years gone by, or looking to just have some fun, this school is for you. Check it out at
Their grand opening and art sale is on Friday, December 4, 2009. Stop on by, welcome them to the neighborhood, and buy some art while you’re there.
Friday, December 4th 2009 12pm to 10pm.
Thomas John Carlson Art Studio
326 5th St. Jersey City, NJ 07302
(btw. Coles and Monmouth)
Fund-raising art sale by instructors of the school.
All are invited to check out the school and meet the instructors.
Sign up for our 6-week classes for January and receive a $20 gift certificate to Hudson County Art Supply.
6-week classes meet one day a week, 3-hour sessions and cap at 8 to 10 students.
Classes offered in January-
Introduction to Painting and Drawing
Weekly figure drawing will begin in the space Thursday, December 17th
email Thomas if you are interested in getting on the list [email protected]