JCMUA Flood Mitigation Related Projects

After multiple requests to the city, we were provided a list of current and future flood mitigation projects that the Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA) is working on or has planned. For context, here is the reply from Mayor Steven Fulop:

“I asked the MUA for a list of the flood mitigation projects we are working on citywide and I thought it would be helpful to share with you. I know this infrastructure was neglected for decades by previous administrations in the city so our administration has invested a considerable amount of money to catch up and improve the system – but the challenge is that none of them are overnight fixes. You can see though that we do have some depth and breadth on the projects we are tackling and we do think they should make a big difference for residents.” – Mayor Steven Fulop, via email on July 30th, 2020

The mayor’s office and MUA will also be reviewing recently flooded areas to see if any other projects should be considered and added to the list.

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