Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Posted on August 12, 2008 in Past Agendas
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: PS #5 (See map below for details)
7:30 – 7:40: Introduction and Assemble
7:40 – 7:50: Monmouth Street QOL Survey Update
Rob Crow and Ben Dorner will discuss the results of our survey for Monmouth Street between Third and Fifth Streets.
7:50 – 8:20: Jersey City Incinerator Authority Presentation
Clayton Dabney, Division Director of Property Maintenance
Joseph Grant, Assistant Division Director of Property Maintenance
Discussion of concerns that arose regarding the survey, and lasting solutions that can be implemented in partnership with local businesses, residents and the Jersey City Incinerator Authority (JCIA) for an improved quality of life for the area. As development moves west down Newark Avenue into The Village area, it is important that the VNA, residents, businesses, and city agencies work together to keep our neighborhood clean.
8:20 – 8:30: Giving Back/Presentations
Irene Barnaby: Irene will introduce the developers of the Crescent Court project on Second Street to the attendees. She will also discuss what you can do to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.
Jim Ayers: Jim will discuss the East District Thanksgiving Day Volunteer program and the December Toy Drive.
Michelle LaMonica: Michele will present information about the Harsimus Cemetery and how you can volunteer for this worthy cause. She will also provide an update for the First Street Pocket Park.
8:30: Open Forum/Coffee with your neighbors
General Meeting Information:
The Village Neighborhood Association holds their monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the month in the Auditorium of the Dr. Michael Conti Public School (PS #5). Meetings begin at 7:30pm and are open to the public. Please use the school’s main entrance located on Merseles Street.