Special VNA Meeting on 12/7 regarding 454 Second Street
Posted on December 7, 2020 in Events, News
Hello Village residents!
2020 has been a challenging year and tomorrow night, we would like to help brighten your spirits with the holiday gift that is the newest proposal for 454 Second Street!
After years of outside interests, dueling proposals, 5-story buildings with roof decks and a promise of an unspecified stormwater management project, with monies being funneled to City agencies – we finally have an as-of-right proposal for 4-stories, green roofs and 1 to 1 parking.
The proposed development will be presented to the Planning Board on Tuesday, December 8th – which is why we have scheduled this special meeting for Monday, December 7th.
Meeting info:
Click here to join Zoom Meeting
Monday, December 7, 2020, 7:00-7:45PM
Meeting ID: 936 9417 7275
Password: 454vna
If you received a certified letter and have been concerned about this project, or are simply interested in the last project in the Merseles RDP – join us tomorrow night for a presentation and discussion about the facts of this new building.
We hope to see you there and hope you are all staying safe!
Eric Hofmann
VNA President – [email protected]
Note: this special meeting does not replace the regularly scheduled December VNA Community Meeting – which will be next week, Monday, December 14, 2020 at 7:30pm.