Your Taxes | Your Choice
Posted on February 21, 2010 in Past News
PROPERTY TAXES – to increase or not increase. The subject is often used as a political “line in the sand” for many voters. Putting politics aside, this Wednesday the Jersey City Council will be debating a proposed 25% property tax hike. Regardless of how your feel about taxes, an increase of this magnitude may be worth your time and energy to attend the Council meeting and witness your government in action. For some background on the proposed taxes, check out this article from
For those who are unable to attend, but want their voices heard, an online petition has been circulating to oppose the tax hike. Follow this link to learn more about (and sign if you feel so inclined) the petition.
The Village Neighborhood Association, a non-political neighborhood association, have invited many city officials to speak at our monthly meetings. Little did we know that when the Chief City Tax Assessor Ed Toloza spoke to our members in December that within a few weeks the City would propose one of the largest tax increases in its history.
A few weeks back, taxes were again the issue as Esther Winter spoke at our January meeting and laid out her plans for organizing a group that is in opposition to the increase. Esther gave a passionate speech at last month’s Council meeting which you can check out below.
You can contact her at [email protected] to be a part of her organizing initiative. Below is her group’s announcement about the February 24th Council meeting rally.