Creating Places Worth Caring About.

The TED conference, as some of you may know, is an annual event held to showcase the world’s most influential thought leaders in the areas of technology, entertainment, and design.

This talk by James Howard Kunstler from 2004 speaks volumes about our neighborhood. In particular, the VNA’s efforts when it comes to our “public realm in the form of the street”, and that is the stretch of Newark Avenue between ColesĀ Street and Mary Benson Park.

Keep this in mind as he speaks about civic design, and shows examples of Main Street. Newark Avenue was designed and constructed well before WWII, the point in time Kunstler feels that our nation’s design sensibilities were “thrown in the garbage”. Newark Avenue was designed right, it was sadly left to deteriorate over the years.

Newark Avenue is “a place worth caring about”, it is simply up to us to do so.

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