The Village Art & Flea Market
Posted on May 2, 2009 in Past News
Sunday, May 31, 2009
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Fourth Street (between Newark Avenue and Merseles Street – see map below)
BUSINESSES: If your business would like to participate in the event, please contact us.
CALLING ALL ARTISTS! – This event is open and free to local artists who would like to showcase and sell their work. Please contact us to reserve your spot in our Artist’s Space!
RESIDENTS – If you are planning on selling at the Flea Market, please contact us ASAPto reserve your space.
In collaboration with The Fourth Street Art and Music Festival, we are inviting residents to dig through their closets, basements, and storage, and get ready to sell some stuff!!
How you go about it is totally up to you:
1) Sell it yourself — If you would like to stay with your belongings and sell them on your own, go for it. We only ask for a $10 fee to reserve the space. Table rentals are available for an additional fee of $10. So for a total of only $20 down, the proceeds of your sales are yours to keep!! Please contact the VNA as soon as possible to reserve your space and/or table.
2) Donate to the Community Table — The VNA will have a community table available for items you would simply like to drop off. All proceeds go directly to the VNA to help cover our operating expenses. Following the event, the Salvation Army will pick up any items not sold. So no matter what, your donations are going to a worthy cause. Also for your convenience, feel free to contact the VNA if you would like to drop off your items prior to the flea market.