The Village Tree Initiative – Fall 2010
26 Oct 2010, Posted by News inVillage Residents:
The Division of Parks and Forestry is holding its annual fall tree planting. The Village Neighborhood Association fully supports this initiative, and urges you to participate. The images below demonstrate the dramatic improvement that tree planting could have on our neighborhood.
The true cost of planting each tree is approximately $500. However, the city has successfully obtained grants which will fund the majority of the project. As a result, the city is offering to plant each tree for a small fee of $100. Additionally, in order to further incentivize plantings and reduce the cost to residents, the VNA is offering a $10 rebate* for the first 50 participants who sign up by Wednesday, November 3rd. This brings the final cost to just $90.
For the price of a monthly cable bill, you can effect lasting, meaningful change in our neighborhood. In addition to the aesthetic appeal, there are many benefits to planting urban trees. For more on this topic, click HERE.
Your involvement is critical to a successful planting. To participate, simply follow the steps outlined HERE. We are confident that this effort will culminate in a tremendous improvement for our neighborhood.
*Eligible blocks include those within the Village boarders:
North – Sixth Street, south side
South – Christopher Columbus Drive, north side
East – Coles Street, west side from Columbus Drive to Newark Avenue; Coles Street, up to the west side from Newark Avenue to 6th Street
West – Turnpike Extension/Merseles Street, east side
To participate in this year’s tree planting, and to obtain your $10 rebate, please follow the steps below.
Note that in order to be eligible for the rebate, these steps must be complete by Wednesday, November 3rd:
Complete the city’s Tree Planting Application, HERE. For plantings at properties that you do not own, complete the Consent Form, HERE.
On the Tree Planting Application, be sure to select the species of tree desired. For your reference, images of the available species are provided BELOW.
As instructed on the Tree Planting Application, make your check or money order payable to “City of Jersey City”.
Send (or drop off) the completed forms and payment to:
The Village Neighborhood Association
365 Second Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
The VNA will submit all forms and payments to the city. Upon confirmation of a successful planting, you will receive your $10 rebate check. Enjoy your new tree!
The following images demonstrate that The Village lags behind other neighborhoods in tree coverage. The dearth of trees in this section of Downtown detracts from the aesthetic appeal of the neighborhood and diminishes quality of life. There are many significant benefits to planting trees in our neighborhood. In addition to increasing property values1,2, trees have many significant and enduring positive effects in urban areas.
Studies have shown that trees:
- Enhance community economic stability by attracting businesses and tourists3
- Improve neighborhood and community appeal. Apartments and offices in wooded areas rent more quickly and have higher occupancy rates.3
- Reduce utility costs. Trees lower local air temperature by transpiring water and shading surfaces. Because they lower air temperatures, shade buildings in the summer, and block winter winds, they can reduce building energy use and cooling costs.4
- Extend the life of paved surfaces. Without tree shade, asphalt binders heat up and volatilize. Tree-lined streets can defer resealing 10 to 25 years longer than non-tree-lined streets.5
- Improve traffic safety. Trees give the perception of making a street feel narrower, slowing motorists down. Additionally, trees can serve as a buffer between moving vehicles and pedestrians.6
- McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993
- Nowak, David J., Benefits of Community Trees, (Brooklyn Trees, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, in review)
- Michigan State University Extension, Urban Forestry #07269501, Benefits of Urban Trees
- Nowak, David J., Urban Trees and Air Quality, November, 1995
- Tree Guidelines for San Joaquin Valley Communities, March 1999. Published by the USDA Forest Services Western Center for Urban Forest Research and Education.
- National Arbor Day Foundation pamphlet #90980005

Example: The Village area north of Newark Avenue BEFORE the initiative.

Example: The Village area north of Newark Avenue AFTER the initiative.

Hamilton Park Existing trees (Borders: east of Monmouth, west of Manila, north of 6th , south of 10th)

Harsimus Cove Existing trees (Borders: east of Coles, west of Manila, north of 2nd, south of 6th)

Van Vorst Park Existing trees (Borders: east of Monmouth, west of Grove, north of Bright, south of Columbus)

Acer Miyabei (listed as Acer Miyabri).jpg

Autumn Blaze

Prunus Columnar Sargent

Prunus Sargentii Princeton Snowcloud (listed as Prunus Snow Cloud)

Red Sunset Maple

Sienna Glen Maple (listed as Sierra Glen)

Zelkova Musashino