Village Community Meeting | May 24th, 2022
Posted on May 23, 2022 in Events, News
Our May meeting will be on the 24th. We will be hybrid, meeting in-person at Casa Colombo (380 Monmouth St., masks will be required) as well as on Zoom (register here).
All of our virtual meetings are in a YouTube playlist here. Please also subscribe to the Village Neighborhood Association channel on YouTube to be notified when new videos are posted!
Here is the planned agenda:
- Introductions
- JC Updates and Initiatives
- Development Presentation – 303 First St.
- Sixth Street Embankment RDP Recap
- Plates4Parks
- Open Forum
If you have news, or questions, or just want to share your experiences during the pandemic, please don’t hesitate to write to the VNA Board at [email protected] and we may include your news or answer your questions in upcoming newsletters.
Contact the VNA Board – [email protected]
Mark your calendar for the next VNA meetings! All meetings start at 7:30pm and will be via Zoom for the foreseeable future. Meeting details will be sent via our newsletter, Facebook, and Instagram. Sign up for our newsletter at https://jcvillage.org/.