Attention Families: Join the Village Helpers for an Historic Cemetery Clean-up!

JC Landmarks founder, John Gomez, with Village Helpers founder, Adriana Crow and her sister Elise at the clean-up held last fall at Harsimus Cemetery.

This Saturday, April 30, 2011, join the VILLAGE HELPERS as they help support a huge clean-up at the Historic Harsimus Cemetery.

The Village Helpers had a blast last fall handing out food and drinks to the students from PS #4 as they spruced up the cemetery grounds.

This year proves to be extra special as the clean-up is a prelude to very cool music concert, The 2nd Annual Celebrate MOTHER EARTH CONCERT which starts at 3 pm. Don’t miss it!

Check out all the details below provided by John Gomez, founder of JC Landmarks.


Date: Saturday, April 30, 2011

10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Student and Community Spring 2011 Clean-Up (light rain or shine)

3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Music Concert (rain date is May 7)

Cost: Clean-Up is FREE; $5 suggested donation for the Music Concert

Meeting Place: Meet at the Harsimus Cemetery Gates at 435 Newark Avenue (between Waldo Avenue and Seventh Street, across from Dickinson High School), Jersey City, NJ

Join JC Landmarks, the Jersey City & Harsimus Cemetery Board of Trustees, the Village Neighborhood Association, the Village Helpers and over 100 local middle and high school students for this kick-off event to Preservation Month 2011 in Jersey City!

Students and adult supervisors will rake, sweep, clean and spruce up the cemetery grounds; plant flowers, bulbs and shrubs; and draw, paint and photograph historic features for display in the cemetery museum. SAVE (Sustaining Architectural Vitality in the Environment) and the Animal Activist Club of Frank R. Conwell Middle School No. 4 will have an informational table set up, as will the young members of the Village Helpers with help from the Village Neighborhood Association.

Bottled water, fruit, healthy snacks and a meat-based food truck will be provided to all student participants. Volunteers should wear long pants and shirts; sandals are discouraged. Bring gardening tools if possible. This event is worth 5 community service hours for school purposes.

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