Village Visioning Open House
Posted on May 26, 2015
The Jersey City Division of Planning, the Village Neighborhood Association, and the City of Jersey City invite you to participate in a morning of visioning the future of the Village.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
9:00am – 12:00pm
Council Chambers in City Hall, 280 Grove St.
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ALL Village Neighborhood Residents are invited.
Come and visit all 5 exhibit workstations and share your input about:
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- The history of this great neighborhood.
- What you love about the Village.
- What you don’t love so much about the Village.
- What YOUR vision is for the future of this neighborhood.
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This Open House has no time agenda, and the workstations will be open from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm — You can come at any time. Coffee, light refreshments, and stickers (!) will be provided