VNA November Meeting: Newark Ave. Streetscape Phase III and More

The Village Neighborhood Association holds their monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the month in the Auditorium of the Dr. Michael Conti Public School (PS #5). Meetings begin at 7:30pm and are open to the public. Please use the school’s main entrance located at 182 Merseles Street.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: PS #5 (Please see the map below)


7:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Rob Crow
President, The Village Neighborhood Association

7:45 pm – 8:00 pm
The Jersey City Parking Authority
David Weiss
JCPA Representative
David will be on hand to discuss some of the responsibilities and services the Parking Authority provides, as well as answer any of your parking related questions.

8:00 pm – 8:10 pm
Newark Ave. Phase III: Update
This is your first chance to view comprehensive plans for the Newark Avenue streetscape courtesy of John Mucha, P.E, Jersey City, Division of Engineering. Having just been submitted to the NJDOT this past Monday, these plans are truly HOT OFF THE PRESS!

8:10 pm – 8:20 pm
The Village Park: Update
The winning concept drawings will again be on display, as well as full details about this intricate and fast moving project involving the VNA, the City of Jersey City, GothamWest Devlopment, The Jersey City Parks Coalition, and the JC Landmarks Conservancy.

8:20 pm – 8:30 pm
The VNA Holiday Toy Drive
Irene Barnaby
VNA is joining forces with the Jersey City Police Department, East District, for the Annual Holiday Toy Drive for under-privileged children in the area. Please bring unwrapped toys to our December 8th meeting or feel free to drop them off Weichert Realtors, 273 Grove St (corner of Montgomery), open Mon-Fri 9am to 9pm, Sat & Sun from 9am to 6pm.

8:30 pm – 8:45 pm
Open Discussion and Coffee

Coffee donated by Starbucks!

General Meeting Information:

The Village Neighborhood Association holds their monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the month in the Auditorium of the Dr. Michael Conti Public School (PS #5). Meetings begin at 7:30pm and are open to the public. Please use the school’s main entrance located at 182 Merseles Street.

Finding the school:

The Village

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