Virtual Village Community Meeting Splash Screen
VNA Community Meeting – April 3, 2023
Posted on April 3, 2023 in Events, News
Hello Village Neighborhood Residents!
Spring is here and we are back with a jam-packed Community Meeting agenda. We look forward to engaging with all of you and hearing from our guests on Monday night, April 3, 2023. We will be in-person at Casa Colombo and also available on Zoom (register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsc-mvqzwqHdUAmk0PElYl1PMBBfYs1QIb)
It is our pleasure to once again welcome Commissioner Bill O’Dea. Mr. O’Dea is up for re-election as County Commissioner for District 2 in June and we will have a chance to hear from him, and to ask questions and say what is on our minds, because he wants to hear from us!
We will also have two development presentations for proposed developments in The Village:
– 373-375 4th Street
– 344 2nd Street
Finally, if time permits and given the spirited debate around the proposed cannabis dispensary on Division Street, we are going to discuss the JC Cannabis Ordinance No. 21-053. We will cover the Cannabis Control Board, processes for approvals, and focus on some specifics of the ordinance, based on community feedback and queries we have received on the subject. The goal here, as always, is to inform the community and take away any questions or actions you would like us to pursue. If we run out of time, we will put this item at the top of the May agenda.
We will once again endeavor to better the Zoom experience, with some upgraded A/V equipment, aimed at improving the remote participation experience.
Warmest regards,
Eric Hofmann
President, Village Neighborhood Association
Please note: The meeting will be recorded and posted on our YouTube Channel. If you have news, or questions, or just want to share your experiences, please write to the VNA Board at [email protected] and we may include your news or answer your questions in upcoming newsletters. You can also stay updated throughout the week via our Facebook page.
2023 VNA Board
Eric Hofmann – President
Evelyn Chan – Vice President, Membership
Robinson Holloway – Vice President, Communications
Irene Barnaby – Treasurer
Joe Vita – Secretary
Rob Crow – Board Member at Large
Peter Farrell – Board Member at Large
Áine O’Dwyer – Board Member at Large