VNA Meeting – Tues. March 22nd

Last month was the first time we held our meeting at a location other than PS #5, and judging from the overwhelming positive feedback we received, its safe to say that our March meeting will again be held at the Lamp Post. Thanks to everyone who stopped by.

A hot topic during last month’s meeting was a new 48 unit development proposed for the corner of Newark Avenue and Third Street. 292-294 Newark Avenue to be exact.

This month, Chuck Harrington from Connell Foley LLP, the law firm representing Applied Development will be on hand to discuss all of the project details. As everyone knows, this section of Newark Avenue is already extremely congested, and parking is currently very difficult. So it is important to note that the proposed 48 unit development will depend largely on street parking, as it is only required to provide 10 parking spaces per Jersey City zoning laws.

I encourage everyone in the area to stop by and hear first-hand from the project representative, and let your opinions be heard.

We will also be discussing Newark Avenue Redevelopment Phase III which has just recently gotten underway, as well as The Village Weekend which is slated for the middle of May.

Similar to last month’s meeting, the first round of drinks is on the VNA for association members, and Michele and the Lamp Post will be providing some snacks for the table. Thanks again Michele!

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