VNA Meeting TONIGHT April 26th @ Victoria’s Restaurant!!

Join The Village Neighborhood Association tomorrow, Tuesday April 26, at 7:30 pm, for a “Taste of the Village” night at Victoria’s Reataurant  (353 Third Street).

Victoria’s is new to the neighborhood, so tomorrow night would be the perfect opportunity to stop in, eat some food, and talk Village!

We will sample the tasty pizza at Victoria’s Restaurant while hosting guests:

Bob “Bubbles” Bhatti will present his vision for the new building project at 102 – 110 Brunswick Street @ First Street (Carmine’s Pizza/Bob Bubbles)

We also welcome Felicia Noth who will talk about the need for teacher parking at PS# 5, Dr Conte School, and how this will affect our neighborhood.

Hope to see everyone tomorrow!! Tell your neighbor!

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